
FREE Unity Assets – August 2019

A selection of the best free assets for Unity, for July 2019. This includes free models, programming assets, materials, textures, particles, VFX and more!

1). Desert Land
2). Winter Forest – Low Poly Toon Battle Arena / Tower Defense Pack
3). Camera Controller (CC)
4). WWII Thompson Submachine Gun
5). Typing Animation
6). First aid kit army
7). TileGen: Tileset Generator & Automatic Rule Tiles
8). Plates, Bowls & Mugs Pack
9). City Voxel Pack
10). (CG) Audio Manager


FREE Unity Assets July

1). Cylinder Collider Builder

2). Deform

3). Free cans opened pack

4). Scene Manager

5). Cherry blossom GUI pack

6). Lean GUI

7). Puzzle stage & settings GUI Pack

8). Forest road Background

9). DarkTree FPS FREE