Learn How To Create Android And iOS Games In Unity

A selection of the best free assets for Unity, for July 2019. This includes free models, programming assets, materials, textures, particles, VFX and more!
1). Desert Land
2). Winter Forest – Low Poly Toon Battle Arena / Tower Defense Pack
3). Camera Controller (CC)
4). WWII Thompson Submachine Gun
5). Typing Animation
6). First aid kit army
7). TileGen: Tileset Generator & Automatic Rule Tiles
8). Plates, Bowls & Mugs Pack
9). City Voxel Pack
10). (CG) Audio Manager
In this tutorial we’ll go through 4 simple state machines (and three flow graphs, whew!). It’s a long one, but stay with it… by the end you’ll have enough know-how to make your own. And you’ll be fully equipped to take on more advanced tutorials like AI Behavior in Bolt.
0:00 Intro and Setup
2:10 Light Toggle – On Off State Graph
16:05 Make Balls – Instantiate Prefab Loop State Graph
23:00 Rotating Gear -Rotate Object Flow Graph
26:00 Chest/Container – Open Close Animation/Animator State Graph
34:30 Conveyor Belt – Add Force to Object On Collision Stay Flow Graph
39:50 Conveyor Belt – Animate Texture Offset Flow Graph
49:25 Sorting Machine – Custom Event Transitions and Random Number Generation State Graph
A complete free Phyton course for beginners.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:49 Installing Python 3
00:06:10 Your First Python Program
00:08:11 How Python Code Gets Executed
00:11:24 How Long It Takes To Learn Python
00:13:03 Variables
00:18:21 Receiving Input
00:22:16 Python Cheat Sheet
00:22:46 Type Conversion
00:29:31 Strings
00:37:36 Formatted Strings
00:40:50 String Methods
00:48:33 Arithmetic Operations
00:51:33 Operator Precedence
00:55:04 Math Functions
00:58:17 If Statements
01:06:32 Logical Operators
01:11:25 Comparison Operators
01:16:17 Weight Converter Program
01:20:43 While Loops
01:24:07 Building a Guessing Game
01:30:51 Building the Car Game
01:41:48 For Loops
01:47:46 Nested Loops
01:55:50 Lists
02:01:45 2D Lists
02:05:11 My Complete Python Course
02:06:00 List Methods
02:13:25 Tuples
02:15:34 Unpacking
02:18:21 Dictionaries
02:26:21 Emoji Converter
02:30:31 Functions
02:35:21 Parameters
02:39:24 Keyword Arguments
02:44:45 Return Statement
02:48:55 Creating a Reusable Function
02:53:42 Exceptions
02:59:14 Comments
03:01:46 Classes
03:07:46 Constructors
03:14:41 Inheritance
03:19:33 Modules
03:30:12 Packages
03:36:22 Generating Random Values
03:44:37 Working with Directories
03:50:47 Pypi and Pip
03:55:34 Project 1: Automation with Python
04:10:22 Project 2: Machine Learning with Python
04:58:37 Project 3: Building a Website with Django
Video Timestamps:
Intro And Game Preview: 0:00
Importing Level And Configuring Lights In The Game: 4:21
Creating FPS Player: 10:19
Coding Player’s Movement And Jump: 35:35
FPS Mouse Look And Mouse Controls: 1:02:07
Player’s Sprint And Crouch: 1:33:14
Player’s Footsteps Sound: 1:49:01
Animating Player’s FPS Hands And Weapons: 2:18:47
Weapon Handler (script for controlling the attributes of weapons): 2:41:27
Weapon Manager (script for controlling the switching between weapons in our game): 2:57:05
Player Attack (script for controlling the shooting with the selected weapon): 3:10:36
Creating The Zoom Effect With Animations And Scripting: 3:36:52
Creating Arrow And Spear Bullet Prefabs: 4:07:02
Configuring And Animating Our Cannibal Enemy: 4:36:27
Creating Enemy Animation Script: 4:50:40
Enemy Controller (the script that will control the enemy’s AI and make him move and attack the player): 4:57:30
Configuring And Creating The Boar Enemy: 5:40:04
Detecting And Dealing Damage: 5:51:10
Creating Health Script: 6:14:52
Creating Player And Enemies Sound Effects And Shoot Effects Sounds: 6:49:02
Creating Player Stats UI: 7:21:13
Displaying Health And Stamina Using Player Stats UI: 7:32:38
Creating Enemy Manager(the script that will spawn the enemies) and adding Finishing Touches To Our Game: 7:46:45
FREE Download The Assets And The Complete Project For This Tutorial: www.awesometuts.com